I'll tell you the truth it is so hard to try to take care of myself and it is so easy to take care of everyone else! Who agrees? I think the hardest part for me is knowing the I deserve the quality time and attention that I am giving to myself. Now-a-days, I mindfully and deliberately schedule a self-care routine weekly. I try to do one thing per day that is either self-care for the moment or for the future me. Here is what I do.

Meal planning. When I get home from teaching late at night I am not grabbing hummus and veggies but a previously cooked meal to nourish my hungry body. When I meal plan which has been consistently for the past year and half I eat better and feel better.
Tea Time! I love tea. And the ritual of it all. Tea time in the morning and sometimes at night is a time for me and the tea. I put everything else aside as I sip the (almost scalding because I like it hot) beverage. For me it helps to regulate my mind, my thoughts, and puts me in a mindset to start or end the day.
Bath time. I wasn't always a bath person. And I wish I had a spa style bathroom but none-the-less I have recently started to enjoy the stillness of them. I am a go-go-go person. I sit down to read, watch a movie, talk to a friend, and I just have to get up and do something. It is hard for me to sit still and not think, "I should clean that base board" or "I need to file papers for _____". Once I put all the effort in to drawing the bath I stay there and enjoy that time of being. I tend to like my whole body submerged under water including my ears so everything becomes muffled.
Massages. This one is a treat. I could get one every week, but I like to spread them out so that it feels special when I do get one.
Move my body. This one you might think is easy for me because I teach yoga but the classes I teach are not my movement for the day. I need my own time to go through my own yoga practice or body movement and that is important for overall mind, body, and spiritual health.
Reading. I read fiction, non-fiction, self-help, leadership and empowerment books. Expanding the mind now is self-care of the future.
Reading the Bible. Keeping the point of this life in perspective.
Face masks and Skincare. When you treat your body and skin well you transform. I am biased because I have my own skincare franchise and so it's so easy to get products that I know are clean, pure and true! I know they do what they say they are going to do, I know what's in them or the toxins that are not in them and I know they are made with botanicals that will be wonderful on my skin. HERE is my website if you're interested in the things I use.
Keep my home tidy and neat. I'm a home-body and I love cleaning. If my home is not tidy I feel cluttered. This is another instance of do now for self-care later.
Saying this affirmation: "I love you". I think this alone is self-explanatory.
Let me know in the comments what you do. Give a little more effort to yourself for love month!